Direkt zum Inhalt

Alle Elemente

Dies ist der Introtext. Der erste Absatz eines Artikels, der immer hervorgehoben erscheint (wenn das Feld befüllt wurde). Diese Seite dient der Veranschaulichung aller für Redakteure verfügbaren Inhaltselemente bei der Erstellung eines Artikels.

A paragraph (from the Greek paragraphos, “to write beside” or “written beside”) is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Though not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6



A paragraph (from the Greek paragraphos, “to write beside” or “written beside”) is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Though not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.



A block quotation (also known as a long quotation or extract) is a quotation in a written document, that is set off from the main text as a paragraph, or block of text.

It is typically distinguished visually using indentation and a different typeface or smaller size quotation. It may or may not include a citation, usually placed at the bottom.

Said no one, ever.



Definition list

Definition List Title
This is a definition list division.

Ordered List

  1. List Item 1
  2. List Item 2
  3. List Item 3

Unordered List

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3


Horizontal rules


Tabular data

Table Caption
Table Heading 1 Table Heading 2 Table Heading 3 Table Heading 4 Table Heading 5
Table Footer 1 Table Footer 2 Table Footer 3 Table Footer 4 Table Footer 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5



Keyboard input: Cmd

Inline code: <div>code</div>

Sample output: This is sample output from a computer program.

Pre-formatted text

  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
  @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
  P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
  ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
  p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 


Inline elements

This is a text link.

Strong is used to indicate strong importance.

This text has added emphasis.

The b element is stylistically different text from normal text, without any special importance.

The i element is text that is offset from the normal text.

The u element is text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation.

This text is deleted and This text is inserted.

This text has a strikethrough.


Subscript for things like H2O.

This small text is small for for fine print, etc.

Abbreviation: HTML

This text is a short inline quotation.

This is a citation.

The dfn element indicates a definition.

The mark element indicates a highlight.

The variable element, such as x = y.

The time element: 2 weeks ago


HTML Comments

There is comment here:

There is a comment spanning multiple tags and lines below here.

This is a text link. But it should not be displayed in a comment.

Strong is used to indicate strong importance. But, it should not be displayed in a comment

This text has added emphasis. But, it should not be displayed in a comment



Embedded content


No <figure> element

Image alt text

Wrapped in a <figure> element, no <figcaption>

Image alt text

Wrapped in a <figure> element, with a <figcaption>

Image alt text

Here is a caption for this image.












2 out of 10





Inline SVG




Form elements

Input fields

Text Input


Web Address

Email Address

Phone Number


Number Input




Select menus

Select Option OneOption TwoOption Three Option One



  • Choice A
  • Choice B
  • Choice C


Radio buttons

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3





HTML5 inputs

Color input

Number input

Range input

Date input

Month input

Week input

Datetime input

Datetime-local input


Action buttons

"> "> "> " disabled="">

<button type=submit><button type=button><button type=reset><button disabled>




XY Grid

full width cell

full width cell

6 cells

6 cells

12/6/4 cells

12/6/8 cells

Float Grid



This is a callout.

It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.

It's dangerous to go alone, take this.


This is a header

This is a card.

It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.


Toggle DropdownExample form in a dropdown.



Hoverable Dropdown

Just some junk that needs to be said. Or not. Your choice.

Media Object

Dreams feel real while we're in them.

I'm going to improvise. Listen, there's something you should know about me... about inception. An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.


Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!



Vivamus hendrerit arcu sed erat molestie vehicula. Sed auctor neque eu tellus rhoncus ut eleifend nibh porttitor. Ut in nulla enim. Phasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor. Suspendisse dictum feugiat nisl ut dapibus.

Suspendisse dictum feugiat nisl ut dapibus. Vivamus hendrerit arcu sed erat molestie vehicula. Ut in nulla enim. Phasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor. Sed auctor neque eu tellus rhoncus ut eleifend nibh porttitor.

Accordion Tabs

  • Accordion 1

    I would start in the open state, due to using the `is-active` state class.


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